Rural Communities
Whilst the world has suffered from the fallout of the banking crisis; our founders were distraught by the major repercussions this had for those in rural communities where there are fewer employment opportunities in general. Agriculture and the service industry, which make the majority of employment in rural areas, were hit hard as banks called in loans to farms and people slashed their leisure spend to save money. The impact was that many lost their jobs and new recruitment was stopped. Combined with the necessity of travelling long distances to find work, rocketing fuel costs whilst houses and land were lost due to seasonal flooding, job prospects for those in rural communities are difficult.
Work Experience
As businesses stopped recruiting the world was left with a lost generation. With no job prospects these new qualified individuals would end up on a training tread mill, going from course to course or worse have a qualification but be stuck in a swamped labour market. The result was these individuals became unemployable, over qualified requiring a high salary but with no experience.
Minorities of all types traditionally settle in metropolises and fail to experience the joy and beauty of our rural communities.
How We Help
The FM Foundation works with businesses and individuals to provide the support needed for those individuals to work toward employment in rural communities.
A clean slate and a fresh start
Sometimes it is an individuals situation that is preventing them from achieving their potential. To this end we help recipients move to new opportunities in different locations to help them flourish. Research has proven the beneficial effects of living in rural communities for health and this can be beneficial for recipients from urban areas. Similarly we have also helped those born in rural areas move to urban locations where their are more job opportunities.
Our mentoring is a longer term commitment to see our recipients thrive. We have mentored in essentials such as interview technique as well as wider 'life skills' to prepare people of the greater world.
Financial Support
From as little as money for the bus to work shifts, to providing transport for those that have to travel long distances to work. The F M Foundation provide financial assistance to help those who want to work.
Training & Education
The foundation provides the assistance for vital training with an emphasis on transferable skills such as first aid.
Work Experience
Through our volunteer program we work with businesses and individuals to provide positions in businesses to volunteers so they gain that crucial work experience in the service industry in order to help individuals into employment. The FM Foundation provides for the volunteers whilst they are on placement.